
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 10 - A Change in Plans!

Chelsea, MI to Dundee, MI - 41 miles
For details of part 1 of today's route, click here.
For details of part 2 of today's route, click here.
For details of part 3 of today's route, click here.

Sky condition:  Clear
Temperature:  55 to 75
Visibility:  Unlinked
Precipitation:  None
Wind:  Light early, becoming strong headwind

Significant Events
Had an Orange Julius!

Today's Song
"What's Your Name" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Wildlife Observed
Yellow Warblers
Red-Winged Blackbirds?

Today's Ride
We got a pretty good and early start this morning and the weather was great!
However, Ileana's knee was giving her a little problem, so I decided to forego a night of camping and get a hotel. I was able to find one (Memorial Day weekend!) in Dundee.  That meant about a 40 mile ride. That would give us plenty of time for Ileana to rest her knee and ice it.

About 16 miles into the ride, the knee was not getting any better.  I thought about getting Nolan Jr to come pick us up in Saline, which was about 5 miles away.

We made it to Saline, and got some Tylenol. Ileana took a couple and we waited about 45 minutes for it to start working. Meantime, we saw a Dairy Queen, so we decided to chill out there and get a bite for lunch. We had a couple of chili dogs, which reminded us of eating chili dogs with Rob in Cumberland, MD. That gave us a pretty good laugh!

Sidebar:  Ileana and I started a ride in Cumberland, MD a couple years ago, and Rob dropped us off there.  We walked around a bit and found this place that claimed they had "famous Coney Island Style" dogs. Well we went in there, expecting some really good chili dogs. Needless to say, we were sadly disappointed.  The dogs themselves were about the size of a #2 pencil. (If you are young and don't know what a #2 pencil is, sorry!).  When we were done eating, we had to go somewhere else to actually get a meal. Fortunately, Rob knew of a decent Thai place in the next town...

Anyway, after today's chili dogs, which were pretty good, we had Orange Julius for "dessert". That brought back some memories that I won't delve into here. One sidebar is enough...

We had about 20 miles to go and the knee was feeling better, so we "mopey-joe'd" along at an easy pace, about 10 mph.

Ileana was happy to see the hotel, and I noticed a Lone Star steakhouse that just might suffice for dinner.

Los Dos Centavos de Ileana
Today, we were loading our bikes in front of the hotel and this couple that was leaving the hotel in their van stopped and asked us what we were doing.  The man asked if he can take a picture of him and us and I said 'sure.'  While Nolan was talking to the man. I was talking to his wife about Nolan and I making a deal that we'll balance sleeping in a tent and hotels.  She says, 'that sounds fair.'  And then she said, 'we are actually staying in a campground close by. But I could not take shower there and couldn't fall asleep in the tent. So, I left my son with my friend at the campground and my husband and I got a room here.'  What about that?! I think this lady may be relate to the baby bunnies' mother!

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