St. Johns, MI to Bancroft, MI - 50 miles
For details of part 1 of today's route, click here.
For details of part 2 of today's route, click here.
St. Johns, MI to Bancroft, MI - 50 miles
For details of part 1 of today's route, click here.
For details of part 2 of today's route, click here.
Sky condition: Overcast, broken, then clear
Temperature: 46 to 68
Visibility: Good
Precipitation: None
Wind: Light and variable, crosswind to tailwind
Sky condition: Overcast, broken, then clear
Temperature: 46 to 68
Visibility: Good
Precipitation: None
Wind: Light and variable, crosswind to tailwind
Significant Events
- Had another delicious breakfast prepared by Vilma
- Rode though Owosso, where my father was born.
- Had another delicious breakfast prepared by Vilma
- Rode though Owosso, where my father was born.
Today's Song(s)
1. "Hey Negrita" by the Rolling Stones
2. "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh
1. "Hey Negrita" by the Rolling Stones
2. "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh
Wildlife Observed
Today's Ride
After breakfast, did a little bike maintenance before hitting the road. Paul described a route for me that sounded better than the one I had planned so I decided to use his route. Paul and Vilma headed out in their van to get a couple shots of us riding by.
We headed through Elsie and on into Owosso. We had some lunch there and found a small grocery store to get some good for later.
The roads Paul recommended were great for riding on. They were in good condition and had light traffic. We were able to ride side-by-side for quite a ways and not worry about traffic.
The campground is located on the Shiawassa river in a pretty nice area south of Owosso. Since it off Memorial Day weekend, the place was packed. But we had a nice spot right on the river so we were pretty happy with the setup.
We enjoyed watching some guy spend about an hour trying to get his trailer into a spot. He would back up, move forward, pull out and start all over again, get out of his truck, look at it, and do it again. Eventually he gave up and was able to get a spot somewhere else on the campground. I figure that probably gave someone else a show for a while...
Our "next door neighbors" invited us over to their campfire so we went over there and BS'd with them for a while. They invited us to go golf on Saturday but we have to get on the road. Oh, and I am terrible at golf anyway!
Los Dos Centavos de Ileana
Nolan is using a Russian app to navigate the route for our trip. We named the app 'Natasha.' Well Natasha has been aggravating Nolan for the entire trip because she keeps given 'bad directions.' One example today, (out of many), she says to 'turn left.' So, we did. 60 yards later, she says 'make a u-turn' - to go back where she told us to turn left so we can go 'straight.' Nolan is not happy about Natasha's continual misshaps! I think maybe she needs another shot of vodka! Afterwards, when we were at our camp spot (room, zimmer?), I met our next door neighbors while Nolan went to take a shower. They were very nice fellows and some how I started to tell them about Natasha's mishap today and Nolan's frustration with the program. One of the guys says, 'when he comes back, I'll tell him I'm Russian and get him going.' I said, yes please, do it and tell him your wife's name is Natasha. So, Nolan comes back and I say 'this is Igor and his wife Natasha.' Nolan looked at me and there was an awkward moment and 'Igor' could not take it anymore and told Nolan about our conspiracy! Nolan laughed nervously and I laughed aloud because it was priceless to see Nolan's face!
Nolan is using a Russian app to navigate the route for our trip. We named the app 'Natasha.' Well Natasha has been aggravating Nolan for the entire trip because she keeps given 'bad directions.' One example today, (out of many), she says to 'turn left.' So, we did. 60 yards later, she says 'make a u-turn' - to go back where she told us to turn left so we can go 'straight.' Nolan is not happy about Natasha's continual misshaps! I think maybe she needs another shot of vodka! Afterwards, when we were at our camp spot (room, zimmer?), I met our next door neighbors while Nolan went to take a shower. They were very nice fellows and some how I started to tell them about Natasha's mishap today and Nolan's frustration with the program. One of the guys says, 'when he comes back, I'll tell him I'm Russian and get him going.' I said, yes please, do it and tell him your wife's name is Natasha. So, Nolan comes back and I say 'this is Igor and his wife Natasha.' Nolan looked at me and there was an awkward moment and 'Igor' could not take it anymore and told Nolan about our conspiracy! Nolan laughed nervously and I laughed aloud because it was priceless to see Nolan's face!
Riding past what looks like a lake but is really flooded farmland
(Photo by Vilma)
South of Ashley, MI
(Photo by Vilma)
Beautiful blue sky
Elsie, MI
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