
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 12 - Short Ride to Lake Erie

Fremont, OH to Huron, OH - 40 miles
For details of part 1 of today's route, click here.
For details of part 2 of today's route, click here.

Sky condition:  Overcast
Temperature:  65 to 75
Visibility:  Unlimited
Precipitation:  Thunderstorms forecast, but we missed them!
Wind:  Light and variable
Comments:  Very humid today!

Significant Events
- 28 year anniversary of joining the Army

Today's Song
"Hey Tonight" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Wildlife Observed
Red-winged blackbirds

Today's Ride
Got another early start to try beat the thunderstorms. We were successful!

We headed back down the Inland Trail. In Clyde, OH, we met a guy cycling the trail. He asked where we were headed, we chatted for a few minutes, and he asked if we wanted to stop for a cup of coffee at a cafe next to the trail. We stopped, had some coffee, and a maple glazed cinnamon roll.  I have a soft spot (my mid-section) for cinnamon rolls, and just about anything maple, so this was a double whammy.  He was an interesting guy named Dan who had done a number of tours, including a cross-country trip back in the 70s or early 80s (San Diego to Georgia) in 40 days. I estimate him as about 74 or so, and he was out there riding a Lightspeed. He has ridden the BRAG, the GOBA, and the RAGBRAI, among other rides.  When we left, he rode with us for a while until we turned north. Clyde looked like a nice little town as well.  The Elmore factory (yesterday's post) was there for a while, and Major General James McPherson (Union) was from there.

Ohio roads, like Michigan roads, are laid out in a square pattern, road crossings are typically one mile apart. The Ohio roads, however, are in a lot better condition (so far), and a lot more of them are paved. There are quite a few dirt or gravel roads in Michigan. I must add that in all the riding I have done, in a number of states and in foreign countries, that Michigan drivers seen to be the most "cyclist aware" (maybe I just coined a term!). They were patient, waited for a safe place to pass, and generally gave a wide clearance when passing.  Thank you, MDOT!

We got to Huron in good time and ahead of the storms.  Looks like plenty of choices when it is time for dinner!

Los Dos Centavos de Ileana
¡No hay!

Dudes fishing in the Sandusky river
(the bridge is the bike trail)

20+ fish - Dinnertime!

Dan in Clyde, OH

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